I am writing this post to reflect on my contributions to my learning and the learning community for 5303 and 5313.
My Contributions to the Learning Community
Over the past several weeks, I have tried to fully engage with and contribute to my learning community in these courses. I wanted to share some reflections on what I feel I have accomplished and areas I can still improve upon.
In terms of key contributions, I made sure to consistently reflect on what was working well for me in the course and things I could do better. For example, I found that taking detailed notes while watching the video lectures helped me retain the information better. However, I realized I needed to work on allowing more time for discussion posts so I wasn't always submitting them at the last minute.
I was an active participant within my core collaboration group. I took organization and collaboration a step further this semester by making our shared google doc much more detailed and comprehensive. Deena even gave me a shout out in her contributions post here: "This round, Mattheiu stepped up and created our shared doc that outlined all assignments and discussion posts. Through this practice, I realized I'm missed a discussion post that I may have overlooked otherwise, so I appreciate his efforts in keeping us organized." Thanks Deena! Shaneigh did as well on her blog here: " Matthieu stepped up this round to establish our 5303/5313 Google Doc. His dedication to consolidating all necessary information in one place for both courses allowed me to concentrate and stay organized (thanks, Matt!)." -Your welcome Shaneigh! I also made sure to provide constructive feedback to my group members on assignments and presentations. Overall, I found our group to be highly collaborative and supportive.
Additionally, I revised all my individual and group assignments based on the detailed feedback provided. The revision process really reinforced key learnings for me. I also made sure to complete all the required readings, videos, and other resources on time as per the course calendar.
As far as my supporting contributions, I tried to take initiative and leadership in group projects. I also made sure to fully participate across all learning activities to the best of my abilities. This included contributing to the different class forums with posts that were researched, cited properly, and aimed to further the learning for all. While there is always room for improvement, I feel proud of my contributions to the community so far,
Overall, I believe that I made positive contributions to both 5303 and 5313. I was an active participant in ZOOM class discussions and group work, and I was always willing to help others. I am proud of what I learned in both courses, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of such supportive learning communities. Therefore I feel that I deserve the following scores.
5303 -Applying Educational Technology-ePortfolio: 96/100
5313- Create a Significant Learning Environment: 96/100
I have been fortunate to work with an incredible collaborative group for both 5303 and 5313. Shaneigh, Deena, Lance, Lauren, have supported each other through thick and thin, and I am grateful for their friendship and guidance. Lance, in particular, has an been invaluable resource, sharing his insights and experience with us that are just getting started. I am so thankful for my collaborative group, and I am proud of what we have accomplished together.
My ADL core learning community:
Lauren- learningin3withmrsb.com
Lance - www.lancemoran.com
Shaneigh - https://wyndee0924.wixsite.com/shaneighsmith
Deena- https://digitaldeena.wixsite.com
Discord Server Communities I'm actively a part of:
Unity Teach: https://discord.gg/UsAr6TqqCE
Flipside Studio:: https://discord.gg/rSWZ6qtj
Leonardo AI: https://discord.gg/sxNchqMT
Blender: https://discord.gg/VC6wa7kX
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