Publication Outline

Coordinating Collaborative Quests: An Educator's Guide to Gamified Lessons


There are two areas of education  that truly inspire me; utilizing game design principles to boost student motivation and creating blended learning environments that leverage technology, for student learning experiences. I am genuinely passionate about exploring these concepts and exchanging ideas with educators.

Connection to Innovation Project; 

In this article I will share my experience as a high school GameDesign teacher trying to design a multi-disciplinary gamified blended learning experience. This project involves my GameDesign classes working together with Science and English classes to create interactive experiences that teach the player how to unlock their own growth mindsets through neuroplasticity. Throughout the article I will provide insights and recommendations for educators in implementing projects similar to my Innovation Project.

Title; “Coordinating Cross-Class Quests: An Educator's Guide to Gamified Lessons”

Potential Publication Avenues: 

I am leaning towards starting with Game Developer Blog initially for building visibility and strengthening my article writing skills before then submitting to the following academic journals.

ACM Computers in Entertainment - Academic journal on interactive entertainment and technologies. Rigorous peer review, aims for an academic audience.

IEEE Transactions on Games - Academic journal covering R&D and applications of gaming, simulation and entertainment. Prestigious but very technical.

International Journal of Computer Games Technology - Peer reviewed academic journal that publishes research on game design and development. Good for sharing technical research.

Edutopia. This platform offers an array of resources on game based learning and other innovative teaching strategies. It would be fantastic if I could write an article sharing my experience of implementing gamification techniques in my classroom.

Game Developer Magazine & Blog  - (formerly Gamesutra)  Website focused on game development, with blogs, articles and job listings. Also a Print and digital magazine covering the game industry.. Good for reaching industry professionals.

Possible Topics to Discuss in the Article; 

  • The benefits of cross-curricular collaboration - Discuss how bringing multiple classes/subjects together allowed for more creativity, diverse perspectives, and deeper learning.

  • Challenges in coordinating a multi-class project - Share the logistical and planning challenges faced and how you overcame them.

  • Designing a gamified curriculum - Provide tips on gamifying content, balancing gameplay with learning goals, and keeping students engaged.

  • Growth mindset and neuroplasticity in the classroom - Explain key concepts and how to foster a growth mindset through game narratives and mechanics.

  • Assessing interdisciplinary projects - Strategies for setting shared rubrics and evaluating collaborative work across subjects.

  • Student reflections on the experience - Include student perspectives and feedback on what they learned and enjoyed.

  • Advice for implementing blended learning - Suggestions for teachers on how to effectively blend online and in-person instruction.

  • Lessons learned as an innovator - My  takeaways as an educator spearheading a new initiative, dealing with roadblocks, and continuing to iterate.

Integrated Digital Resources that will/can be used to propel this into reality faster; 

  • Game engines like Unity, Unreal, or Godot to build the actual games and simulations

  • 3D modeling/Sculpting software like Blender or Maya to create 3D assets and environments

  • Adobe Creative Cloud for visual design, and video creation.

  • Twine or other interactive fiction software for storytelling and dialog trees

  • Game learning management systems like Classcraft or Breakout EDU to manage gameplay and content

  • Collaboration platforms like Slack or Discord for communication

  • Project management tools like Trello, Asana or Notion to organize tasks

  • Formative assessment and data analytics platforms like PlayPosit or Kickboard to track student progress

  • Screencasting tools like OBS for gameplay video capture and walkthroughs

  • Virtual reality headsets to create immersive experiences

  • Game audio production software like FMOD for sound effects and music

  • Online game code repositories for reusable scripts and mechanics

  • Educational game templates and kits to expedite development

Primary Audience

  • K-12 educators, especially those teaching STEM/design/CTE subjects like game design, computer science, and media arts. They would be most interested in implementing similar interdisciplinary blended learning projects.

Primary Audience Specific Key Messages:

  • Cross-curricular collaboration provides opportunities for deeper learning and allows students to make connections across subjects. Outline effective strategies for coordinating multi-class gamified projects.

  • Blending online and in-person instruction can expand learning beyond the classroom while still providing structure. Share tips on implementing blended learning smoothly.

  • Letting students integrate advanced creative tools boosts engagement as they take ownership over applying their skills. Suggest game engines and programs they could incorporate.

  • Designing games around growth mindset concepts and neuroplasticity principles helps students internalize them through experience. Provide examples of weaving in this kind of narrative.

  • Assessing collaborative work requires setting shared rubrics and milestones upfront. Offer frameworks for evaluating interdisciplinary projects.

  • There will be challenges but starting small and iterating leads to meaningful innovation. Share your lessons learned on spearheading new initiatives.

Secondary Audience: 

  • Edtech developers and learning experience designers would find insights on effective gamification and curriculum design valuable.

  • School administrators that are interested in innovative programs that boost engagement and achievement.

  • Policy makers and education leaders who support integrated STEM initiatives.

  • Game design students and enthusiasts would enjoy peeking behind the curtain of this development process.

Secondary Audience Specific Key Messages:

  • Integrated STEM initiatives provide enriching real-world learning when coordinated effectively. Reinforce the value of cross-disciplinary collaboration.

  • Immersive gamified experiences represent the future of impactful K-12 education. Position your project as pioneering this approach.

  • Providing educators with the right training, tools and technologies enables this kind of blended learning. Suggest partnerships and resources to support it.

  • Interdisciplinary projects require updating traditional practices around assessment and classroom norms. Note opportunities to rethink outdated policies.


In general I am committed to sharing my vision with individuals who are equally enthusiastic about revolutionizing education. Even if my ideas may initially appear charming or unconventional I firmly believe they have the capacity to reinvigorate student engagement and foster learning experiences. I am eagerly looking forward to collaborating with those who share my objective!

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