We are all in this together, so stop making such a big deal out of it!

Published on 4 October 2023 at 17:01

Interestingly I made this embedded ambient animation a while ago titled “We are all in this together, so stop making such a big deal out of it”. 

Which seems very appropriate in regards to hearing my fellow classmates stress out about creating their version of this post. X-)

So I decided to make that the title of this post as well.

I have been fortunate to work with an incredible collaborative group for both 5305 and 5302. Shaneigh, Deena, Lance, Yagaira, Lauren, and Juliana have supported each other through thick and thin, and I am grateful for their friendship and guidance. Lance and Yagaira, in particular, have been invaluable resources, sharing their insights and experience with us that are just getting started. I am so thankful for my collaborative group, and I am proud of what we have accomplished together.


My ADL core learning community:

Lauren- learningin3withmrsb.com 

Lance - www.lancemoran.com

Shaneigh - https://wyndee0924.wixsite.com/shaneighsmith 

Deena- https://digitaldeena.wixsite.com


Discord Server Communities I'm actively a part of:

Unity Teach: https://discord.gg/UsAr6TqqCE

Flipside Studio:: https://discord.gg/rSWZ6qtj

Leonardo AI: https://discord.gg/sxNchqMT

Blender: https://discord.gg/VC6wa7kX

I am writing this post to reflect on my contributions to my learning and the learning community for 5305 and 5302.

In 5305, I actively participated in class discussions, sharing my thoughts and insights on the readings and assignments. I also provided feedback to my classmates on their work, and I was always willing to help others when they needed it. I also made regular contributions to the discussion posts, sharing my ideas and responding to my classmates' thoughts.

In 5302, I worked collaboratively with my group on all of our assignments. We met regularly to discuss our plans, review each other's work, and provide feedback. I was also active in the class Zoom meetings, asking questions and participating in discussions. 

Additionally. In both 5305. And 5302 I have been very persistent about revising and resubmitting my work, and communicating with the professor while trying to perfect what I have done.

Overall, I believe that I made positive contributions to both 5305 and 5302. I was an active participant in ZOOMclass discussions and group work, and I was always willing to help others. I am proud of what I learned in both courses, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of such supportive learning communities. Therefore I feel that I deserve the following scores.

5305 Disruptive Innovation in Technology: 49/50

5302 Concepts of Educational Technology: 95/100

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